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Collection 2018

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Rhinestone-Embellished Sheath Dress

Here you write a short description of the product and emphasize its remarkable features. We advise you to briefly, clearly and accurately describe the most important things that your customers need to know.
Price: €89.48

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Colorblocked Sheath Dress

Here you write a short description of the product and emphasize its remarkable features. We advise you to briefly, clearly and accurately describe the most important things that your customers need to know.
Price: €84.36

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Price: €11.51
List Price: €15.34
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Discounts info
Price: €11.51
List Price: €15.34
Discount: €3.83 (25.00%)

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Patterned dress Minnie

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse semper tortor cursus sem efficitur, in faucibus urna consectetur. Proin laoreet facilisis turpis, vitae efficitur nibh interdum sit amet. Praesent porttitor felis pellentesque vestibulum suscipit. Ut suscipit nunc id maximus ultricies. Phasellus laoreet vestibulum aliquet. Etiam sagittis ultricies tortor, congue convallis nulla efficitur nec. Mauris et volutpat ante.
Price: €32.59
List Price: €43.46
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Discounts info
Price: €32.59
List Price: €43.46
Discount: €10.87 (25.00%)

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Regular: embroidered check shirt

Here you write a short description of the product and emphasize its remarkable features. We advise you to briefly, clearly and accurately describe the most important things that your customers need to know.
Price: €50.62

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Slim: tone-in-tone check shirt

Here you write a short description of the product and emphasize its remarkable features. We advise you to briefly, clearly and accurately describe the most important things that your customers need to know.
Price: €71.58

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Basic Shirt

Here you write a short description of the product and emphasize its remarkable features. We advise you to briefly, clearly and accurately describe the most important things that your customers need to know.
Price: €51.13

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Striped Bodycon Dress

Here you write a short description of the product and emphasize its remarkable features. We advise you to briefly, clearly and accurately describe the most important things that your customers need to know.
Price: €76.69

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Ruched Knit Sheath Dress

Here you write a short description of the product and emphasize its remarkable features. We advise you to briefly, clearly and accurately describe the most important things that your customers need to know.
Price: €61.36

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Caged Maxi Dress

Here you write a short description of the product and emphasize its remarkable features. We advise you to briefly, clearly and accurately describe the most important things that your customers need to know.

Price: €86.92

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